Main Walkthrough

Under heavy construction.

Cassette Beasts

  • Carniviper - Poiston-type - Common
  • Dandylion - Plant-type - Rare (northeast area only, near Glowcester Road Station)
  • Dominoth - Air-type - Common
  • Elfless - Ice-type - Rare
  • Macabra - Beast-type - Uncommon
  • Puppercut - Metal-type - Uncommon
  • Squirey - Beast-type - Common
  • Stardigrade - Astral-type - Rare

Situated to the northeast of Harbourtown, New Wirral Park is likely to be the first new place you visit once you complete Cassette Beasts' intro mission. It's full of useful monsters for you to Record, and will introduce you to battling with NPCs. New Wirral Park should not be missed if you're just cutting your teeth on the game.

To reach New Wirral Park from Harbourtown you need to travel to the pit in the Harbourtown Outskirts where you first fought a Dominoth. There's a rise here that you can use to glide over to the cliffs in the north. These will bring you to the entrance of New Wirral Park. During return trips you can use the Ranger Outpost in the northwest of New Wirral Park for fast travel, though you need to visit the Ranger Outpost at least once.

Locations of Note - Southern New Wirral Park

  • New Wirral Park's primary bonfire is found just north of the southern entrance to the area.
  • In the northwest of New Wirral Park's southern section is the Ranger Outpost. Visit this building to turn it into a fast travel point. You'll come here as the first part of the Take Me On questline.
  • Near the Ranger Outpost you'll see a blue block suspended from a wooden post. This will be a head scratcher when you first visit this area, but later you can use Electromagnetism on these blocks to raise yourself into the air.
  • To the east of the Ranger Outpost you'll see a woman on some raised ledges. You can reach her by lobbing one of the barrels by the Ranger Outpost down to the ground and using it as a stepping-stool. The woman is Meredith, whom you may have heard about via rumours, and she'll zip to Harbourtown if you speak to her. Follow her there and you can begin the All I Ever Needed quest.
  • In the southeast of New Wirral Park's southern section is the entrance to New Wirral Park Caves. It's a blocked doorway surrounded by four buttons, and you need to use rocks (and your own body) to press the buttons down and open the door. You'll come here as part of the A Little Inspiration side quest.
  • In the northeast of New Wirral Park's southern section is an odd rock formation, with one obvious gap on the left. If you grab the rock from the nearby pond and place it in the gap you'll reveal the entrance to Glowcester Road Station.
  • In the southwest of New Wirral Park you'll see a man in a hard hat on a ledge. Raise the bridge south of him by hitting a red switch to the right of the bridge and you can reach him. This is Captain Wallace, and he's part of the Take Me On questline.
Locations of Note - Northern New Wirral Park
  • There's a secondary bonfire in the northern section of New Wirral Park. Head far to the east from the entrance to find it. South of the bonfire is a button that will raise a platform nearby, allowing you to access the northern area without using the front gate.
  • In the east of this area of New Wirral Park, north of its bonfire, you'll find a button by a cliff. This opens a chest in Autumn Hill, though only if you place a rock on top of the button. There are two rocks nearby, in a pond, that will do. The chest contains a Critical AP Sticker and a Basic Tape.

Items - Southern Wirral Park

  • A short walk northwest of the bonfire is a pool of water, and on the right side of it you'll find a locked chest. To open it you need to lift up a crate that's floating in the water. The chest contains an Elemental Wall Sticker and some Plastic.
  • In the southwest of New Wirral Park you'll find a rocky area with stairs, a barred doorway, and a lowered bridge. To the right of the doorway and behind a small rock is a switch. The switch will raise the bridge and open the doorway, allowing you to get at a chest containing a Two Heads Sticker, an Aerosol Tape, Pulp, and Wheat.

Items - Northern Wirral Park
  • Northeast of the gate into the park's northern section is a barred door with a button in front of it. Grab the rock from the pond to the east and place it on the button to open the door. It leads to a thin, monster-filled section of New Wirral Park Caves. At the end of the tunnel you'll find a chest containing a Rogue Fusion, specifically a Double Dominoth. Defeat it to receive Fused Material, a Blood Donation Sticker, and a Basic Tape.
  • East of the entrance to New Wirral Park you'll see a little pond with a chest in it, out of your reach. Come back here once you've discovered Electromagnetism and you can stand on the blue block at the bottom of the cliff wall to propel yourself up to the pond. The chest contains an Echolocation Sticker, a Basic Tape, Wood, and Pulp.
  • In the southeast of New Wirral Park, near the border with Autumn Hill, you'll see a chest on a platform. Use Bulletino Dash to destroy the nearby boulder and you'll lower the chest to a more reasonable level. The chest contains a Poison Resistance Sticker and an Ethereal Tape.
  • Look behind the Ranger Outpost to find a chest containing a Metal Coating Sticker, a Ceramic Tape, Plastic, and Pulp.
  • If you check the cliff wall behind the Ranger Outpost you'll find a door into a cave. There's a chest in here that won't open until you pull two levers. The lever to the east is reached by using wind currents activated via switches, while the lever to the west is hidden beneath the ground, and you'll need to hit a hidden button to get at it. The chest they unlock contains a Glass Cannon Sticker, a Basic Tape, Pulp, and Wood.
  • There's a block wedged into the cliff wall between the two gates in the north of New Wirral Park. Smash through it using Bulletino Dash to find a chest containing an Undertow Sticker, a Basic Tape, Pulp, and Wood.

NPC Battlers - Southern New Wirral Park

This section covers everything south of the gates that separate New Wirral Park into two distinct areas.


Location: Northeast of the bonfire by the entrance

  • Stardigrade - Astral-type


Location: North of the entrance, guarding a tiny valley near a pond
  • Springheel - Beast-type


Location: Northeast of the entrance
  • Skelevangelist - Earth-type

Location: North of the cave in the east of New Wirral Park
  • Macabra - Beast-type
Joseph and Janet

Location: Southeast of New Wirral Park
  • Muskrateer - Beast-type
  • Traffikrab - Plastic-type
Wannabes #1 and #2

Location: East of the Ranger Outpost in northwestern New Wirral Park
  • Carniviper - Poison-type
  • Carniviper - Poison-type

Location: On the ledges to the west of the Ranger Outpost in northwestern New Wirral Park
  • Elfless - Ice-type

Location: Outside the Ranger Outpost in northwestern New Wirral Park
  • Traffikrab - Plastic-type 
  • Macabra - Beast-type

Location - Between the gates leading to the north end of New Wirral Park
  • Springheel - Beast-type
  • Springheel - Beast-type

NPC Battlers - Northern New Wirral Park

This section covers everything beyond the northern gates in New Wirral Park. The enemies up here are a bit stronger on average than the monsters you'll face down south.


Location: To the left of the western entrance gate
  • Palangolin - Metal-type
  • Tokusect - Air-type

Location: Northeast of the western entrance gate
  • Manispear - Metal-type

Location: On the east side of this area, just before you reach two half-sunken telephone boxes
  • Pombomb - Fire-type
  • Pombomb - Fire-type

Location: On the east side of this area, near two half-sunken telephone boxes
  • Squirey - Metal-type
  • Palangolin - Metal-type