Main Walkthrough

Danger Level: 25

Location: West Stonegard Pass, south of the entrance from North Stonegard Pass

A cozy dungeon with a lower Danger Level than the area surrounding it, the Tomb of Kings shouldn't give you too much trouble if you come here with a few key moves. The majority of enemies inside are weak to either Lightning or Dark, making a Scholar (Cyrus) and a Dancer (Primrose) helpful for carving a path to the end of the dungeon. (They also make this a pretty great place to level, since you can defeat most of the mobs within a few turns.) You'll run into the following monsters inside the tomb:

  • Thief I - Weak to Sword, Polearm, Lightning, and Light. Deals in buffs, debuffs, blindness, and normal attacks. Not too tough.
  • Thief II - Weak to Sword, Bow, Ice, and Light. More or less the same as their little brothers, just a bit better at everything.
  • Wind Sentinel - Weak to Sword, Polearm, Axe, Staff, and Lightning. Favors Wind Skills. Easy to stun en masse.
  • Wind Guardian - Weak to Sword, Dagger, Bow, and Lightning. Melee version of the Wind Sentinel. Generally tougher, though not that tough if you brought a Scholar along.
  • Wind Remnant - Weak to Sword, Polearm, Axe, and Lightning. A strong melee enemy that can buff itself and cause a lot of trouble. Still very vulnerable to Lightning, however.
  • Light Sentinel - Weak to Sword, Polearm, Axe, Staff, and Dark. The Dark version of the Wind Sentinel.
  • Light Guardian - Weak to Sword, Dagger, Bow, and Dark. The Dark version of the Wind Guardian.
  • Light Remnant - Weak to Sword, Polearm, Axe, and Dark. The Dark version of the Wind Remnant.

Head north from the entrance and you'll come to a save point, a westbound path, and some stairs leading north. Go up the stairs first. At the top of the first flight and down the dead-end hallway on your left is a chest containing a Bottle of Blinding Dust. At the top of the second set of stairs back the way you came is another chest containing a Healing Grape Bunch.

Ignore the west path on the lowest floor and check behind the stairs to the left of the chest that held the Bottle of Blinding Dust. You'll find a hidden path to the other half of the floor. Halfway through the path you can find another hidden staircase that will lead you up to a purple chest containing a Hasty Helm. Head back down from here and continue left. Just south of where you come out you'll find a chest containing a Fire Soulstone (L). Head west and go up the stairs you find.

To the east on this next floor you'll come to the purple chest, locked in the wall sconce you just exited and flanked on both sides by stairs. Go up the left set of stairs to start. Follow the pathway to the west on the next floor and it will lead you to a chest containing 9,400 leaves. A set of stairs on the way back to the center of the area will take you up another level, and searching to the north will net you a chest containing a Bright Stone.

Head back down two levels to the twin staircases and the purple chest. Take the right staircase this time and go up two levels. You'll find a chest containing a Curious Antique. With that you'll have all of the items in the area, so return to the twin staircases and use the right one to get to the central staircase. You'll find a save point partway up, and at the top you'll find a Nameless Gravekeeper. If you Scrutinize / Inquire the Gravekeeper you'll learn the Gravekeeper's Information, which is part of a Side Story.

The Nameless Gravekeeper is the final 'item' of interest, which means you're all done with the Tomb of Kings. Feel free to warp out and heal at a settlement of your choosing.

Main Walkthrough