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Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire owned by Nintendo. Images used for educational purposes only. |
Main Walkthrough Page
- After beating the Champion and watching the credits you'll see a series of scenes foreshadowing some sinister events. Start the game over from the menu and you'll be back in Littleroot Town; go downstairs in your home and mom / dad will give you a Pair of Tickets. Head outside, meet the somewhat-sinister Zinnia, and head over to your rival's house to invite them to Mossdeep. Things will not go as planned.
- Fly or walk to Petalburg City, then check out Wally's house (top-left corner, near the Pokemon Gym). A familiar face is here, causing trouble.
Magma / Aqua Admin
- Camerupt / Sharpedo, level 53
Reward: $5,300
Doesn't this nut ever learn? Sigh. Same strategy as always.
- You'll get a call after the battle. Head to Rustboro City and check out the Devon Corporation. You'll hit a cut scene, listen to a bunch of text-plot-narrative-stuff, and receive a new destination: Granite Cave. It's the same place where you first met Steven, a short trip north of Dewford Town.
- Head to the room with the giant mural, near the entrance. A battle waits.
Pokemon Trainer Zinnia
- Tyrantrum, level 55
- Altaria, level 55
- Salamence, level 57
Reward: $5,700, Meteorite Shard
Yikes. Zinnia looks nuts when she starts the battle. She has a potent team of dragon-type pokemon, but since there are only three opponents it's not too bad. All three are exceptionally weak to ice-type moves, and an ice-type pokemon with Ice Beam can sweep her team easily. Dragon- and fairy-type pokemon won't have too much trouble, either, so long as they go first.
- Fly to Mossdeep and check out the Space Center's second floor. A lot of plot stuff follows, and eventually you'll be pointed to Meteor Falls. You can Fly straight there, though make sure you bring along a pokemon that knows Surf and Waterfall.
- If you haven't been back here since your first visit, there are a few more floors you can access with the moves listed above. This article covers the extra stuff you can now find in Meteor Falls. You need to make your way to the top of the watery steps to continue the plot.
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Courtney goes a bit nuts. |
- Back to Devon Corporation in Rustboro. Try to enter, and, joy, battle!
Team Aqua / Magma Grunt
- Mightyena, level 48
- Golbat, level 50
Reward: $2,000
Thought you were done with Grunts? Think again, clearly.
Team Aqua / Magma Grunt
- Weezing / Muk, level 51
Reward: $2,040
For pity's...
Team Aqua / Magma Grunt
- Golbat, level 49
- Camerupt / Sharpedo, level 49
Reward: $1,960
- Off to Mossdeep. Head to the Space Center again. You'll face a group of trainers on the first floor and you-know-who on the second.
Team Aqua / Magma Grunts
- Mightyena, level 25
- Mightyena, level 25
- Mightyena, level 25
- Mightyena, level 25
- Mightyena, level 25
Ah, these guys again. One all-hitting move (Surf, anybody?) will probably wipe them out.
Magma / Aqua Admin and Grunt
- Camerupt / Sharpedo, level 55
- Mightyena, level 51
- Weezing / Muk, level 51
Reward: $7,540
Might be a difficult battle if you weren't also supported by Steven. The Admin's pokemon is going to Mega Evolve, so it'll be a bit tougher to take out than normal. Still, not that much worse than the typical villainous team battle.
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Zinnia mocks Team Magma. |
Team Magma / Aqua Grunt (monitor room)
- Weezing / Muk, level 49
- Numel / Carvanha, level 49
Reward: $1,960
Team Magma / Aqua Grunt (monitor room)
- Numel / Carvanha, level 49
- Weezing / Muk, level 49
Reward: $1,960
Team Magma / Aqua Grunt (first lab hallway)
- Mightyena, level 51
Reward: $2,040
Team Magma / Aqua Grunt (second lab hallway)
- Golbat, level 51
Reward: $2,040
Team Magma / Aqua Grunt (last hallway)
- Mightyena, level 48
- Golbat, level 50
Reward: $2,000
Team Magma / Aqua Grunt (harbour)
- Numel / Carvanha, level 51
Reward: $2,040
- Once you make it to the Leader's office you'll hit a cut scene, and the Leader will give you a Mega Stone - either Cameruptite in Omega Ruby or Sharpedonite in Alpha Sapphire. Head through the harbour to zip back to the beginning of the Hideout.
- Off to Mossdeep. Again. Head to the second floor of the Space Center for a cut scene. Steven will send you off to Sootopolis. Oh, dem fetch quests. You'll find Wallace standing on the small island south of the Cave of Origin; speak to him and he'll take off. To follow him you'll have to traverse Routes 129, 130, and 131, up to Pacifidlog Town. Once you reach Route 131, look along the northern side of the Route to find a side path leading to the Sky Pillar. This article discusses what you'll find on these otherwise-optional Routes. Before you get inside, though...
Sootopolitan Wallace
- Wailord, level 55
- Tentacruel, level 55
- Ludicolo, level 55
- Gyarados, level 55
- Whiscash, level 55
- Milotic, level 57
Reward: $6,840
Surprise! Wallace is a powerful trainer, easily on par with the best of the Elite Four, but he's still not that bad if you managed to beat him the first time (which, of course, you did). The best way to approach this battle is to split your offensive between electric- and grass-type moves: electric for Tentacruel and Gyarados, grass for Whiscash, and whichever's stronger for the rest of Wallace's team. (Ludicolo isn't weak to either, but you can wipe it out with flying- or bug-type moves easily enough.) Not that difficult a battle overall.
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Zinnia summons Rayquaza to the top of the Sky Pillar. |
Sky Pillar
Pokemon | Rarity | Version | Time of Day | Location |
Ariados | Common | Both | Either | Walking |
Claydol | Common | Both | Either | Walking |
Golbat | Uncommon | Both | Either | Walking |
Mawile | Uncommon | Omega Ruby | Either | Walking |
Sableye | Uncommon | Alpha Sapphire | Either | Walking |
- Finally, an honest-to-god new location to explore. After a quick cut scene on the bottom floor you'll have a chance to explore. Ignore the ladder straight ahead and zip to the northeast. You'll find a path along the northwestern wall leading to a ladder. At the top is a Dragon Scale. Return to the entrance and go up the first ladder.
- There's another cut scene to the south. Keep climbing ladders to hit another cut scene. Climb again and follow the triangular floors through the Sky Pillar. Just before one of the last cut scenes you'll pass under a platform in the north, headed south; check to the right under this platform for a hidden Full Restore.
- Keep climbing until Zinnia tells you the 'final' chapter of her tale. You're at a small intersection. Head west along the narrow pathway and you'll find ladders leading down to TM64, Explosion. Then backtrack to the intersection and climb the ladder to the roof of the Sky Pillar. A lengthy cut scene follows... aaaaand...
- ... you get the chance to catch Rayquaza, a legendary pokemon. A dragon-type with some truly powerful moves, Rayquaza will use Dragon Dance to increase its Speed and Attack and Dragon Pulse to horribly maul your team. It will also occasionally use Fly to avoid your attacks. Fortunately, Rayquaza is not very difficult to catch, and after you whittle it down a few Ultra Balls should do the job. Send out a fairy-type to completely nullify the danger posed by Dragon Pulse if you want to make this a safe battle.
- Once you have Rayquaza you'll be forced to put it in your party. Battle time!
Lorekeeper Zinnia
- Goodra, level 60
- Tyrantrum, level 60
- Altaria, level 60
- Noivern, level 60
- Salamence, level 62
Reward: $6,200
With your normal team, this is a moderate challenge. With Rayquaza... particularly since it can Mega Evolve... it's kind of a joke. Rayquaza can one-hit these pokemon pretty easily. The only exception is Salamence, since it can Mega Evolve and becomes a pretty lethal threat in its own right. Nevertheless, battering the opposition with Dragon Pulses will get you through fairly easily. If you don't use Rayquaza, ice-type moves are exceedingly powerful in this battle, save against Goodra where they're only good.
- A cut scene follows, and, once again, your child trainer is trusted to execute an absolutely suicidal mission. After the cut scene runs its course...
- ... you get to battle a Deoxys! Deoxys' moves are much more powerful than those of Rayquaza, and it's much harder to catch, as well. You'll want to debilitate it (paralysis is wise) and then set up a highly-defensive pokemon to bear its attacks while you start hucking Ultra Balls. You will, eventually, hopefully, catch the stupid thing. A decent candidate for your Master Ball. (If not, beat the Elite Four and come back to Sky Pillar. You'll find it waiting atop the Pillar.)
- That pretty much does it. One long cut scene later, you'll finish up the Delta Episode... and unlock a new area, via an S.S. Ticket: the Battle Resort. Speak to your mom immediately after getting the Ticket and she'll give you a Latiasite / Latiosite, as well, depending on your version of the game.
- Aaaaalmost done. After collecting your due, leave your house. There will be a kerfuffle to the north, and you'll find Professor Birch running away from a pokemon. You can thereafter choose one of three pokemon to 'save' him, this time from the Unova region: Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott. (If you get different pokemon, it means you didn't grab your first set of additional starters after beating the Elite Four. Go talk to mom and come back out for the Unova trio.)
- Aaaaalmost done. After collecting your due, leave your house. There will be a kerfuffle to the north, and you'll find Professor Birch running away from a pokemon. You can thereafter choose one of three pokemon to 'save' him, this time from the Unova region: Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott. (If you get different pokemon, it means you didn't grab your first set of additional starters after beating the Elite Four. Go talk to mom and come back out for the Unova trio.)
Main Walkthrough Page