Strago and Relm return to Thamasa after a long absence in Final Fantasy VI.

Ebot’s Rock - Enemies
  • Aspidochelon - 3,210 HP - Weak to Fire, Holy, Healing - Absorbs Instant Death - Drops Teleport Stone
  • Creature- 2,470 HP - Weak to Lightning - Drops Teleport Stone
  • Mahadeva - 3,826 HP - Weak to Fire, Holy, Healing - Drops Teleport Stone
  • Medusa Chicken - 2,366 HP - Weak to Ice - Drops Teleport Stone
  • Moonform - 2,444 HP - Weak to Fire, Holy, Healing - Absorbs Instant Death - Drops Teleport Stone
  • Sorath - 2,600 HP - Weak to Holy - Drops Teleport Stone
  • Warlock - 1,300 HP - Weak to Lightning, Poison - Drops Teleport Stone

  • Put Strago and Relm in your active party - you'll need one to recruit the other - and head to Thamasa. It's on an island in the southeast corner of the map, if you haven’t visited it in the World of Ruin. Upon entering the town you’ll discover that one of Strago’s old friends, Gungho, has been hurt by the legendary beast known as Hidon.

    Hidon is located in Ebon’s Rock, a dungeon just north of Thamasa. Hop back into the Falcon and jump a short distance to the north to find Ebot’s Rock. The monsters of Ebot's Rock are pretty weak for World of Ruin creatures, so you shouldn’t have any trouble surviving in here.

    The party chats with a sentient - and hungry - treasure chest in Final Fantasy VI.

    Ebot's Rock is a weird dungeon. Upon entering you’ll find a talking chest that demands Coral. You need to give it a minimum of 22 pieces of Coral to make it move. Any less and it will stay right where it is. You can find Coral by wandering through the Rock’s random layout of rooms, opening chests, and hopefully getting a nice dose of Coral in each. There's no indication of how much Coral you have, so try to keep track yourself. Make sure you don't speak to the chest until you have 22 pieces of Coral, or it'll take everything you have and not move, forcing you to start over.

    Step on buttons to move from room to room. Movement is random, so you’ll just have to stumble around until you return to the talking chest. Hand over the Coral to get the chest out of your way. Straight ahead you’ll find the great beast itself…

    The party battles Hidon, a legendary beast of Ebot's Rock in Final Fantasy VI.


    • 25,000 (Hidon)
    • 3,500 (Erebus)
    • Fire, Earth, Holy, Healing (Hidon)
    • Fire, Holy, Healing (top-right Erebus)
    • Earth (bottom-center Erebus)
    • All elements (bottom-right Erebus)
    Absorbs: Instant Death (Hidon, top-right Erebus)

    Master of Ebot's Rock, and the ultimate prize for Strago. Hidon uses the following attacks:
    • Physical melee attacks (all)
    • Poison / Bio / Venomist, Poison-elemental spells (Hidon)
    • Leech, which steals HP from a single target (Hidon)
    • Crypt Dust, which transforms KOed characters into Zombies (Hidon)
    • Grand Delta, a powerful non-elemental spell against your whole party (Hidon)
    • Zombie / Confuse / Venom Claw, attacks that inflict status ailments (Erebus)
    Aided by four Erebuses with different weaknesses and moves, Hidon would probably be a worthier opponent were its stats just a bit higher. The Erebuses spend the battle inflicting various status ailments on your characters, while Hidon provides painful backup with Poison and Bio spells. If one of your characters is knocked out for too long Hidon will revive them as a Zombie, and if all four Erebuses are defeated Hidon will begin using Grand Delta, an all-hitting attack that also counts as one of Strago’s most powerful Lores. 

    Sounds painful, but isn't. Each Erebus has a different weakness, but they’re all so weak that you might as well just shred them with normal, non-elemental attacks. Once the Erebuses are gone - and Strago learns Grand Delta from Hidon - you can take the beast down with normal attacks, Fire, Holy, or Earth. A solid Firaga attack will do some terrible damage to Hidon. Keep this up and it’s dead in short order.

    Strago and Gungho celebrate the defeat of Hidon, a legendary creature in Final Fantasy VI.

    Beat Hidon and you’ll jump back to Thamasa for a celebration. You don’t really get anything else beyond this, though if you come back later and speak to Gungho as he wanders around Thamasa he’ll occasionally tell you that Hidon has returned to Ebot’s Rock. You can go through the dungeon again in search of a rematch.